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Step 1


R = Clockwise turn of right face

R' = Counterclockwise turn of right face

R'' = Half turn of right face

The first step is to get the cube looking like this:You need to be able to view the pictures

First pick a color to be on the DOWN face. This will remain down for the entire process. In my diagrams, I have chosen the color white, but you are welcome to pick a different color. What you need to do is get the 4 bottom edge pieces matched up with the center of the DOWN face, as well as with the other center pieces like in the above picture. In other words get the cube looking like the picture above, not like this:

If you are lucky, one of the edge pieces is already in the correct place. All you have to do is turn the DOWN face (D) until the colors on the edge piece match the center piece on the bottom and the center piece on the side.

Now, there are 4 possible wrong places where an edge can be. It can be in the top layer in two positions, in the middle layer, or in the bottom layer. If its in the top, rotate the UP face a few times until the side colors match like in the figure. Remember white is the bottom color.

If it is like the left diagram, then you will need to do this move: F'' (That means turn the front face a half turn). If you dont understand this terminology, make sure you read my Terms to know page.

If it is like the right picture then you need to do this move: U'R'FR (Turn the UP face counterclockwise, then the RIGHT face counterclockwise, then the FRONT face clockwise, and then the RIGHT face clockwise)

Notice that the piece in the top layer moved into the purple spot.

Now, lets say that the edge piece is in the middle layer:

All you have to do is F'U'F to get the piece in the UP layer. Now, its in the UP layer and you just learned how to do that.

What if the edge piece is in the bottom layer but in the wrong place:

Here, do the turns F''U'F'' and then it is in the UP layer and you can do that already.

That wasn't so hard was it?

Onward to Step 2 next

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